Tuesday, July 19, 2011

been awhile since last post

I know, I know.  It's been awhile since my last post.  Things have just been very busy for the last few weeks and I haven't had the time to update this blog. 

Status on the garden

So far, we have picked over 25lbs of squash, 30lbs of cucumbers, 3 eggplant and a bucket of hot peppers.  We have canned 10 pints of dill pickles and 9 pints of bread & butter pickles.  3 pints of hot pepper sauce, 2 pints of pepper relish (it is very good and perfect on pinto beans and cornbread).  We have made around 12 pints of salsa.

The wife brought home some great figs the other day from her mother's fig trees so I whipped up a couple pints of fig preserves.  Delicious.

The squash and cucumber plants have played out and I will be pulling them out of the bed this weekend.  I'll probably pull out the okra and eggplant too.  They just didn't do very well and were probably too crowded in the raised bed.

The tomatoes are doing well and have finally started to turn red.  We picked about 20 tomatoes and the same number of Juliet plum like tomatoes.  We also picked a few of the green ones to make Fried Green Maters, holy moly. 

It's almost time to start planting the turnip greens and I may try to plant some collards too.  I've never planted collards before so we shall see how they do.  I also want to plant some garlic this fall because I hear it is supposed to be planted in the fall for a spring harvest.  I'll have to research that "fact" first. 

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